The World of Noh Theatre – The Life and Legacy of Sakurama Ujin

The World of Noh Theatre – The Life and Legacy of Sakurama Ujin

Introducing a fascinating and mysterious World of Noh Theatre

Established in the 14th century, the Komparu School’s Sakurama family welcomes Master Sakurama Ujin, the 21st head of the Sakurama family Shite-kata, to the FCCJ for a special talk and demonstration of Noh ahead of the Sakurama Kai Special Noh Theatre performance on 13th April at the National Noh Theatre.

Sakurama Makoto, later known as Ujin, was born in Tokyo in 1961 as the first grandson of Sakurama Michio, a Living National Treasure of the Komparu Noh School. He began his Noh training before the age of four and made his stage debut that same year. Makoto faced a challenging childhood, having been adopted until the tragic passing of Michio when he was in his twenties. Following this loss, his uncle, Sakurama Kintaro, took on the role of a father figure. Makoto later inherited the esteemed family name “Ujin,” originally belonging to the father of Sakurama Sajin, one of the great Noh masters of the Meiji Period. 

Master Sakurama Ujin
Master Sakurama Ujin

Event Details

Date and Time: March 28, 6:45pm-9pm

Venue: 5th Floor, 3-2-3 Marunouchi Nijyubashi Building, Chiyoda-Ku 

Ticket Price: 

  • ¥5,500/person for FCCJ members 
  • ¥6,600/person for non FCCJ members 

Special Set Ticket Price: (includes special discounted ticket for 13th April performance at the National Noh Theatre):

  • ¥14,000/both days for FCCJ members 
  • ¥15,100/both days for non FCCJ members 


  • The door opens at 6:45pm, act starts at 7pm
  • Light snack break at 8pm
  • Special ticket prices for FCCJ members 
  • One drink and light snack after the event


For further details:

The World of Noh Theatre
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