Cryo Tokyo Takes a Supercool Approach to Well-Being
Cryotherapy is a popular wellness treatment that offers numerous benefits, from reducing inflammation and pain to improving skin quality.
Cryotherapy is a popular wellness treatment that offers numerous benefits, from reducing inflammation and pain to improving skin quality.
Self-care is important any time of the year, but especially needed after a long holiday season and a new year of hard work waiting for you.
Whether you want a monthly maintenance facial or a facial that targets your skin concerns, these five beauty salons in Tokyo have English-friendly service and facial treatments for every type of skincare need and budget.
The recent showers mean that all of the beautiful greenery around Japan provides the perfect atmosphere for some fun outdoor activities. GoConnect has put together a list of five green season activities you have to check out.
For those who are new to Japan, earthquake protocol may not be high on your list of “things to remember.” These are some of the things you want to be sure to have stashed away, just in case.
In the United States, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to combat the stigma of mental illness and raise awareness about mental health issues. GoConnect would like to provide some useful information about acknowledging stress in the workplace.
Wholesum founder Don Roxburgh talked about his products, his views on how interconnected food is with our lives, and key challenges the pandemic has brought with it.
Bass Handcrafted Sanitizers is committed to keeping hand sanitizers affordable and contributing to supplies by producing their own and donating.
This video from In Japan TV features tips that can support your well-being and help you keep your composure when you are feeling down or stressed.
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